We’re delighted to share with you our official guide to summer!
We have a programme brimming with exciting performance courses; from classic to contemporary texts, devising, physical theatre, comedy and musicals. Make friends, take risks, learn new skills and make memories to last a lifetime.
Highlights include: musicals Junkyard, Into the Woods, Little Shop Of Horrors; performances inspired by children’s books His Dark Materials, Hunger Games and Dork Diaries; classic texts like The Great Gatsby; site-specific outdoor productions and more.
The full programme can be viewed HERE.
NEW for this year – tickets for Fest! final performances can be booked online at www.pacetheatre.com/boxoffice .
Details of Bursary and concessionary places are available on request.
Email pace@pacetheatre.co.uk or call 0345 130 5218