Workshop Venues
Weekly workshop venues in Paisley
Spires Drama Studios
School Wynd
Paisley PA1 2DA
Venues: Spires 1 and 2
Nearest parking:
You can get up to three hours free parking after 10am at these council car parks:
- Oakshaw
- School Wynd
- Hunter Street upper
- Hunter Street lower
The Wynd Centre
6 School Wynd,
Paisley PA1 2DB
Venues: Wynd Auditorium and Main Hall
Nearest parking:
You can get up to three hours free parking after 10am at these council car parks:
- Oakshaw
- School Wynd
- Hunter Street upper
- Hunter Street lower
The Art Department
Third Floor
The Paisley Centre
2-10 Causeyside St,
Paisley PA1 1UQ
Venues: Art Department (AD) 1, 2 and 3
Nearest parking:
You can get up to three hours free parking after 10am at these council car parks:
- Orchard Street
- Weighhouse Close
On-street parking bays are free on Sat and Sun. Try Causeyside St, Gauze St, Orchard St or George St.