Drama Game – One Word Story
Claire gives a quick explanation of a really simple, but really fun drama game for two or more people to play – the more the merrier!
Drama Game – Anything Scarf
Here is a really fun drama guessing game we play with all different objects at PACE. Today’s video is using a scarf and a lot of imagination! Watch the video then give it a try, it’s fun for the whole family to play!
Drama Game – Park Bench
Join Lyndsey as she explains the rules of the classic improvisation game, Park Bench. Have a go at home with your family and see what crazy characters you can create!
Play along as Lyndsey leads a ‘play at home’ version of one of our favourite warm-up drama games. Listen out for the commands and do what Lyndsey says, or prepare to walk the plank!
The Floor is Lava
Here’s a fun game of ‘The Floor is Lava’ that you can play on your own or with your family. Become different characters, be active and do the actions – but most importantly – stay away from the lava!!