The Sma’ Shot Story – A Radio Play

A specially commissioned audio version of PACE’s re-enactment of the Sma’ Shot story, which tells the story of the historic victory won by the Paisley weavers in the mid-1800s. Featuring members of PACE Youth Theatre, all parts were recorded in isolation during lockdown in June 2020. Sma’ Shot Day is an annual festival, held in […]
Coronavirus Time Capsule: Part 2

Presenting part 2 of our Time Capsule video series, devised and filmed by our amazing young people. As lockdown restrictions ease, this film focuses on the impact social distancing has had over the last few months.
Coronavirus Time Capsule – Part 1

This is our time capsule week one video. Part of the Company Three Time Capsule project launched to creatively record the experiences of young people during the corona virus pandemic.