I Wish I Was a Mountain

The Egg, Travelling Light, Brighton Festival and Imaginate

A co-production by the egg and Travelling Light. Co-commissioned by Brighton Festival and Imaginate.

On the day of the famous annual fair, the town of Faldum receives an unexpected visit. A wanderer offers to grant a wish to anyone who wants one. Before long, the city is transformed. Mansions stand where mud huts once squatted, and beggars ride around in horse drawn carriages. And one man wishes to be turned into a mountain.

Written and performed by former Glastonbury Poetry Slam Champion Toby Thompson, I Wish I Was A Mountain uses rhyme, live music, and just a smattering of metaphysical philosophy to boldly reimagine Herman Hesse’s classic fairytale. Do we really need the things that we need? What do mountains feel? How did time begin? Adults are kindly requested to leave all answers to these questions at the door. Children, come as you are.

I Wish I Was A Mountain was awarded the prestigous Showcase Victor Award at IPAY 2020 (People’s Choice Award) – the International Performing Arts for Youth showcase in Philadelphia.

“Stunning … A profound show that reveals Thompson to be a star in the making … few shows have been so entrancing” The Guardian

“Something very special” ★★★★, StageTalk Magazine

“A piece of magic … The tone of this pocket-sized beauty is gentle, thoughtful, beguiling and warm. It’s full of music and surprise-giving mechanics, from pop-up books and plywood village houses that just keep giving” Bristol 24/7

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