Young Company is designed for young people who have shown exceptional skill in performance and/or another area of theatre and are focused and ready to work on a demanding programme of the theatre and performance.
They will cover all core skills including voice, movement and acting. They will explore a variety of theatre and performance styles including looking at the work of different practitioners and playwrights. They will be asked to independently investigate and study different styles and share their learning with the group. They will undertake detailed character study and textual analysis when looking at a particular play or scene study. They will study different methods of acting and look to different directors for a variety of approaches. They will work on developing monologues and learn to create solo performances.
They will learn a variety of devising skills and methods and practically apply them in a group contexts. They will undertake studies of different companies or theatre practitioners and investigate different methods of creating work. They will be encouraged work independently and to generate ideas for their own work. They will be encouraged to take on different roles – from writers to directors to stage managers to designers. They will regularly work on developing ensemble and performance skills.
They will work from a variety of stimuli – from classic to contemporary texts, music, poetry or world issues or news. They will be encouraged to help determine the work they create. They will be encouraged to regularly go to the theatre and develop critical analysis skills to discuss all aspects of performance.
In order to remain in Young Company young people must remain extremely committed and focused in all work that they undertake.
* Entry into Young Company is by audition or workshop tutor / director recommendation.
Choose one group. Groups take place weekly during school term time.